That day was a nightmare or wonderful memory ?
I dunno! But I think is was a wonderful memory! XD
We reached to ShuYen's house by Cy's car at 4 something la but actually Im lated! XD
Then we started to prepare the food ! ShuYen & Hazel & my sis & me are taking part in Sushi!XD Cy made salad !Weiyi took photos ! ^^We had a lot of fun !!!
During BBQ suddenly rain !! >.<
Of course we still continue our BBQ!
We also took some perasan photos !! XD
After eating .....
At the beginning , they were just playing water balloon. - I didnt play cause I didnt bring extra clothes XD-So I just stood beside the camera girl , ChiYen but not Weiyi . Later , their water balloon was changed to splash water!While seeing them playing was quite fun geh.When I was moving to another place ,the Shit Yuheng & Loke Shun Kenn chased me then the Stupid Yuheng just spurted the whole tong of water on my back!FREAKING WET MAN !>.<
After playing with the water , we were hungry again! >.<
We continue BBQ until 11 something but we cant finish those food!
So each of us take away some of it ! XD
Thx ShuYen & Shuyen's mum & all of people who attended the BBQ party !!! <3
Now, we see some PERASAN photos 1st XDD

::.Vampire B