Which one is more leng zai ???
He is more leng zai than KIM BUM lor >.< ( for me la XD)
but Shu Yen still argue with me that KIM BUM is leng zai than 张根硕!
I prefer 张根硕 lor!!!
although sometimes his hair is not very suit with his face la >.<
张根硕 is better la !!! XDDDDDD
Shu Yen said my blog seems like faint jor !! T_T cause i didnt update for a long time >.<
So now I made some changes of blog !! xDDDDDDD quite satisfied geh =.=
However...gonna having exam on next 2 weeks !!!! -I think-
but I haven start my revision at all!!!!
I dunno about Bio...I dunno about Physics..
But .......Chemistry i know a bit because this subject is more easier depends on Bio & Physics!!!
I just hope all my result will pass !! Bless me !! XD
My Vampire MaMa gambateh o!!!!
:: Thong Er